Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 32 and it just keeps on coming

Woke up this morning to another 12 cms of fresh to the snow report time of 5 am and it had snowed some since then. The base was quoted as 210 cms which seems about right. As it was only about -1 as we got to the hill it looked like another new side day.

Everything was open and as the holiday period is winding up there were a load less people on the hill today as crowds headed back up Highway 22 to Calgary. Cut first tracks out to Surprise Trees and had a great untracked run through to the bottom. Next stop was an untracked run through Cougar which was also untracked and pretty awesome.

Spent the rest of the morning adventuring through Secret Chutes (awesome) Spinal Tap ( Great but still a bit technical in the middle section) Window Chutes ( the jump off the log in the middle is still about 2 metres but lots of soft snow to land on and the Brain ( very deep and un skied but you still have to get right before the stream bed gets un crossable) plus all the usual suspects in Currie Chutes. The only let down was to hike Lone Fir only to find it closed for avi on the Lizard side so we had to drop back into the top of an untracked Barraccuda, which wasn't all bad.

After a great lunch at Big Bang Bagel ( in Snow Creek Lodge) really good and good value, we went adventuring. Dropped Siberia ridge that was mostly untracked but dropped off left to Deseise Trees which were totally untracked but with loads of difficult ground cover which meant a lot of time spent jumping off log piles. Tried the trees just right of Stag Leap and found them deep, steep, untracked and very tight, best skiing on the hill.

Finished with a rip down Skydive which was a bit tracked up but still some graet skiing if you kept your speed up.

Maybe more snow overnight, who knows.

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