Sunday, April 8, 2012

Day 122 Happy Easter, a short day but a good one

As I said yesterday Easter is one of only two days in the season (the other being Christmas) when we plan to be off the hill early and back to the house for a festive roast beef dinner. So it is for that reson today was short day, but a pretty good one as spring skiing goes.

There was only a dusting of snow overnight but temps at the hill first thing were -3 at the base and had been as low as -8 on top. In addition to the dusting of snow there was a kind of soft hoare frost which also added a bit of fluff.

It was a spectacular bluebird day with not a cloud in the sky and as a result temps started to rise very quickly. All south facing slopes started to soften but because of the cold overnight they stayed in better shape than you might have expected for longer than you would have expected.

We went to the New Side and straight away found that Lift Line was skiing soft on a firm base but taking a nice edge. Arriving at the top of White Pass we found that Polar Peak was open but our buddy Lee who we were skiing with this morning, Lynda and myself all thought that a loop through the Saddles might be an idea to let things soften.

We tried Corner Pocket and found it pretty scraped out with some tires showing so we had to slither a bit before we could start to jump turns. We won`t be going in there again this year unless we get a bit more snow. Underneath CP the snow was very good powder with some untracked but not quite as good as the past few days. Easter remained in great shape and was our chosen exit all morning with loads of different soft lines.

Next time we decided that the Polar chutes would have softened enough and were right but only just, they were still pretty firm under the base. Papa Bear, Grandpa Bear then Papa Bear again all proved good challenging skiing. This time we dropped High Saddle which was way better than CP with snow below just as good and Easter still fine.

Next time Papa Bear and Mama Bear now getting really mellow in the warm up. To the base via Low Saddle which was also taking a nice edge and had powderish snow underneath in the skiers right chutes and then Easter.

Final run before a late half day (about 1:30) was Barely Legal and then Papa Bear through the tight left hand chute which has now become my favoured line. This brought the daily Polat Peak total to 7 and the year to date to 142 As it was last run it had to be Skydive which was nothing to write home about after some of the mornings spectacular chute skiing but was ok.

A quick late lunch beer then home for a roast beef Easter dinner - a perfect Easter Sunday.

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