Thursday, March 4, 2010

Normal service will be resumed

Spending my last day here in Cornwall UK and the weather is a bit wild with Southerly gale 8 winds pushing the seas up into the harbour at Portscatho so high that getting to the Post Office was a bit exciting today.

The visit to the UK has proved successful. I have booked most of the sailing related travel and accommodation for the summer, checked on the boats, checked the post, paid a few bills and picked up more pills and potions from the quack to keep us supplied in Canada.

It will be a long drive up to London today but at the end of it is an evening out with 4 ski buddies which will be fun, followed by an overnight stay with one of them and a lift to the airport tomorrow. Meeting up with 3 ( different) ski buddies who are coming out to Fernie for a week. We are meeting in the ever excellent seafood and champagne bar in terminal 3 at Heathrow - I'll be the one behind the pile of Alaskan crab and half drunk bottle of Bollinger. As these are 3 Fernie virgins perhaps the Griz will smile on them and give us snow.

The signs are good, tomorrow is the Griz day parade in Fernie so the Griz should be happy. As a matter of interest it's also St Pirrans day in Cornwall ( patron saint of tin miners and Cornwall) so if I was here it would only lead to a lot of cider drinking.

Must go. The road is calling. First day back on the hill is Saturday so watch out for a first report that evening.

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